
Please feel free to steal.

Technical Ideas

  • Transformers architecture
    • It’s kinda weird that Transformers has to compute the next-token embedding by adding (residual connections) to the current token. It may mostly make sense, but why not have a zero input and depend on the attention mechanism?
    • What if only half of the embedding weights are tied between input and LM head? wte = concat(A, B), lm_head = concat(A, C)
    • What if each layer could attend to the keys and values of the previous layer? That would provide non-residual data flow between layers.
      • Might need a layer embedding; perhaps a learnable offset vector layer-wise, or just a component that’s 0 for self layer and 1 for other-layer
      • Related to PaLM’s “multi-key attention”
    • Attention heads currently can’t turn themselves off. What if we always throw a zero Value in the mix, with a learnable Key? Could also include
    • What if only some dims have residual connections?
    • Could we get a Transformer where everything is in the same vector space, even queries and keys?
    • The causal mask affects what can be learned from even long before the current token to generate. Is it really necessary?
    • Could we summarize the past (replace spans of N tokens with N/2 tokens, perhaps?) to model longer sequences? The Perceiver architecture does this but maybe too aggressively?
  • Interpretable models
    • Decision trees with soft boundaries
    • Meta-tree: one model gets to set the threshold values for a 2nd simple decision tree that actually makes the decision.

High-level goals

  • A CoPilot that never shows something that’s incorrect?
    • Reference material, contextualized
    • Changes in test results if certain changes are made
    • Dynamically generate a verifiable “compilation” from high-level goal to low-level implementation.
      • A DSL generator?
      • Compiler of ambiguous code, generating progressive reduction in ambiguity?


  • clients for the OpenAI API to:
    • systematically compare logprobs of different phrases in different contexts
      • getting confidence bounds for these comparisons somehow, perhaps by adding “noise” to the context?
    • visualizing embeddings
  • LMs to generate variations of class exercises

Future Blog Posts

  • Superficiality in ML models
    • it’s much more than we thought.
    • opportunity to learn to distinguish the thing from the appearance of the thing. This can really help concept learning.
  • Automate the boring parts of education
    • maybe: more useful breadth, more human connection, fewer classes?
    • opportunities for scaling up individual attention (vs replacing instructors)
    • opportunity to scaffold the “algebra” of complex tasks, like graphing calculators do.
  • related to the gratitude post about disconnecting from humans
    • we’ve been doing this already: content farms
    • truth vs popularity / engagement / what’s consistent with what everyone thinks.
  • 2x2: change on need for human decision vs change in information (of outcome)
  • Does AI make it easier to choose low-value work? Getting a dopamine hit for getting something “done” vs thinking, reflection.
  • With RLHF and similar, we’re finding ways of programming models again, not just purely learning from data. But unlike hand-programmed logic, these programs will generalize in powerful and often surprising ways.