
AI for Writers

We develop tools to help writers serve their readers better without putting words in their mouths.


See Writing Prototypes for a demo of two recent interfaces. Also, students are currently working on deploying the TextFocals sidebar(described in the publications above) as part of a broader study; let me know if you’re interested in participating.

Predictive Text

We study how predictive text shapes what people write and develop interfaces that help people use it differently.


See the Writing Prototypes space for one demo that re-imagines the chatbot interface as a predictive text interface.

Educational Technology

  • Moodle-Palette is a keyboard-based interface for Moodle. It also serves as a playground for various ways of incorporating privacy-sensitive AI into instructors’ workflows for content creation and feedback.
  • zylabs-libs is a collection of Python shim code to help instructors develop ZyLabs questions that give students better feedback.
  • Calgen: a tool for helping instructors (and eventually students) import their course schedules into their calendars.

Other Projects

  • X32 channel-mover script: a Streamlit app for moving channels around on a Behringer X32 soundboard.
  • Nanomixer: A digital audio mixer, with ADAT I/O and processing on FPGA and web-based control