Ken Arnold

Augmenting Intelligence for Everyday Creativity

I’m interested in research and teaching at the intersection of data science, people, and Christian faith. My main projects are around AI for Everyday Creativity, including:

  • Applying today’s large AI language models to help writers express their ideas in their own words
  • AI for instructors to see what students are learning
  • Helping everyone understand what AI can do, and accurately calibrating both our excitement and our concerns.

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I teach computer science, data science, and machine learning. Recent classes:

See CV for others.

Doing research with me

I welcome students who are interested in human-computer interaction, machine learning, data science, interactive visualization, and Christian perspectives on data and computation. I have a range of ideas and ongoing projects, but bring your own interests too! Please contact me via email (Calvin: ka37) or Teams.


  • PhD in Computer Science, Harvard, 2020
  • MS in Media Arts and Sciences, MIT, 2010
  • BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell, 2007

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