Sentiment Bias in Predictive Text Recommendations Results in Biased Writing


Kenneth C. Arnold

Krysta Chauncey

Krzysztof Z. Gajos


May 8, 2018

Intelligent systems make biased decisions because they are trained on biased data. Could these system biases affect what people create? We found that when writing restaurant reviews, biased system behavior leads to biased human behavior: People presented with phrasal text entry shortcuts that were skewed positive wrote more positive reviews than they did when presented with negative-skewed shortcuts.

PDF In GI’18

Note: The authors of this paper, published in CHI 2023, independently replicated our study but with better design, much improved language model, and much larger scale. The basic findings still hold, and the implications are just as concerning. Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users’ Views | Abstract


Prior research has demonstrated that intelligent systems make biased decisions because they are trained on biased data. As people increasingly leverage intelligent systems to enhance their productivity and creativity, could system biases affect what people create? We demonstrate that in at least one domain (writing restaurant reviews), biased system behavior leads to biased human behavior: People presented with phrasal text entry shortcuts that were skewed positive wrote more positive reviews than they did when presented with negative-skewed shortcuts. This result contributes to the pertinent debate about the role of intelligent systems in our society.