Ken Arnold

Thinking About People with AI

AI should help people work better with other people. So rather than merely generating content to send to others, AI should help us think more broadly and deeply about the people we’re working with. That vision animates my research and teaching.

My main research focus is on AI for writing. My dissertation work showed how even simple AI suggestions nudged people to write less thoughtfully, so I have been working on alternative ways that AI could help writers serve readers, especially through revising their writing. Student researchers have contributed to various projects along this theme, including tools that have AI generate questions (rather than answers), tools that help writers see their work from different perspectives, and tools to help writers express and enact their revision goals.

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I teach computer science, data science, and machine learning. Recent classes:

See CV for others.

Doing research with me

I welcome students who are interested in human-computer interaction, machine learning, data science, interactive visualization, and Christian perspectives on data and computation. I have a range of ideas and ongoing projects, but bring your own interests too! Please contact me via email (Calvin: ka37) or Teams.


  • PhD in Computer Science, Harvard, 2020
  • MS in Media Arts and Sciences, MIT, 2010
  • BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell, 2007

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